Thursday, November 5, 2009

What does she have? What is hers...

Hers is the tears she cries at night

Hers is the shining bright light

Hers is a future that isn’t bright

Hers is a life of feel not sight

Hers is a place so damp and cold

Hers is a life where she has to be bold

Hers is a place she runs from a scold

Hers is a mind where her dreams unfold

Hers is a place where she runs and hides

Where in the end her mama dies

Hers is a world she doesn’t understand

Where she tries to get up, but too weak to stand

Hers is a life where needs seem simple

Asking for shoes and food and love too ample?

Hers is a life where she fights for survival

On the streets where her friends and her are tribal

Hers is a life where her choices are instinctual

Hers are the streets so dark she walks alone

Hers is the reality where she knows no revival

Hers is a life by turned cheeks a nation condones

Hers is still a little girl, through her eyes this is shown

Hers is a mind where she wants to capture a dream already flown

But, she is a fighter

She will find her way

She will see through to the light of day

She is not forgotten

Her voice will be heard

Through the eyes in this picture

An AWARENESS is stirred...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

To Share, or Not to Share...

Yesterday was Halloween and I took my little two year old Trick-or-Treating. He was the cutest little triceratops I had ever seen; green face included. We only went down one street and back and at the end he was so pleased with his small little bucket of candy. When we returned to my friends house for a party, some guy walked up to my little guys candy and started rummaging through it. I saw him and politely said, “Hey that is my little guy’s candy.” A little embarrassed he said he just wanted a piece innocently. I told him that it was my little boy’s to share not mine. He was appalled that I would not just let him pick out all he pleased. He said, “I take all my kids candy!”

I quickly found Josiah, and asked him if he wanted to share his candy. With a big smile he said, “Yes.” We walked together, with his bucket of candy, over to this guy Josiah had never seen, and he gleefully let the man pick one.

I have a few problems with this whole interaction. First, who walks up to someone else’s bag of candy and just starts helping themselves? If it was his kids, or even someone he knew at all, ok. But, we didn’t even know this guy. Second, my son is 2. He got the smallest bag of any kid there (he was also the littlest of any kid there) and worked hard to walk an entire street, down and back, in this neighborhood. I think this warranted it being his decision to then turn around and let some stranger dig through it.

So, am I just some kind of protective mom who watched her little dinosaur delighted with the 10 candies he got and didn't want it stolen? Or, am I being picky by not just sharing, because Josiah would have never known anyway?

Either way, this dude was just rude.