Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Whole World Changed

One morning, a little over two and a half years ago, my entire life was changed in a matter of minutes. This change came from within. I finally knew what it felt like to be empowered. It caught me off-guard. Though at that exact moment I did not know the fullness of how much my life was changed, nor do I admit to fully knowing it now, I am seeing myself grow on a daily basis. I am confident. I am a woman. I am a mother. He may not be well-known, or what you would consider a highly influential person by some standards, but for me, meeting him was life-altering. Merely being in his presence, I am changed. He makes me laugh and smile like no one else. He is beautiful. He is my son.
Before, I did not know I was strong. I am. Before, I did not know true patience. I am learning. Before, I was unseasoned. I have just a little now. Having my son was indescribable. As I search to reveal in words what he has done for me, my life has been the greatest evidence. I used to drive about in a little sports car, throwing McDonalds wrappers in the backseat, smoking a cigarette. Now I am focused and driven. I am organized. I even eat healthier. Every breath I take feels more fresh and invigorating. How can a person only two do that? The whole world no longer revolves around me. I think of someone else first. I look at my baby in the mirror instead of myself.
My son’s name is Josiah. I want everything for him. I want a better life for both of us. I want to live as an example. In my ambition to live this out, I have set myself to a higher standard. I want him to value education. I want to teach him that he can be anything he wants if he puts his mind to it. I can only do this by believing it for my own life as well. Through this experience I have learned so much. I have learned the value of hard work and independence. Yet I also know that it’s okay to get help when I need it. I have learned more about my own mother’s love for me. I have learned the importance of family and how much I rely on their support. I have learned selflessness, commitment, and unconditional love. When he gets excited over looking at a field of flowers, I am reminded to experience delight from the little things in life. I believe all women have an instinct to nurture; he has given me the gift of feeling needed. In his need for me, I found my need for him. I have learned contentment. I have finally learned to appreciate my body. Wow…how about that one! The list could go on. I feel alive and excited that I have been given the gift of being a part of this person’s road to independence. I want to learn more about him as he grows to become an individual. It’s so strange, you know. I don’t even remember what it was like before him, now. This one little life has already changed an entire world…mine.

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